Phonetics First Logo Florida Center for Reading Research Report E-Mail Kim! Phonetics First Training

 Training Information

To insure fidelity to the program, the developers of the Focus on Sounds reading program are committed to providing training that will enable teachers to confidently implement this program in their classrooms. Two-day workshops will be provided on-site to schools and districts at a reduced cost of $350.00 per participant. This price includes the complete reading kit- a $249.95 value.

For kindergarten teachers only, The Basic Code Kit can be purchased with the two-day workshop for $199.00.

Schools and districts can arrange for a trainer to come to them with a minimum of 10 participants. In addition to this, the school or district is responsible for the trainer’s transportation costs. For workshops with more than 25 participants a set fee can be arranged by contacting the author.

The fee for the two-day workshop purchased separately from the Focus on Sounds classroom material is $199.00. Workshops for individual teachers, parents and tutors will be held throughout the year. Each workshop provides detailed demonstrations of all the program components and video clips of teachers and students using the program. Please contact the author for current workshop dates.

Schools, which have a minimum of ten teachers who have received training and the Focus on Sounds reading kits, are eligible for a yearly site licensing arrangement.  This allows the school to download student workbooks for a small per student fee.